Imagine a world where monsters don’t just target groups of teenagers. Witches, ghosts, goblins, and ghouls also target your business. They take every chance to haunt your dreams, chase you into the woods, or scare you to death. These monsters are pure fiction. There are other monsters that affect your company in a very real sense. Natural disasters, security breaches, and viruses can all destroy your business. In these cases, you need a plan for business continuity. Planning for the future acts as your flashlight to ward off the horrors of the world when the lights go out.
Make Your Continuity Plan
Risks to your business abound. Too many businesses look at planning for the worst as an afterthought. They choose cookie-cutter safeguards too broad for their needs. Today’s professional landscape requires much more. Your company needs to have a business continuity plan in place.
Advanced planning allows you to get key functionality up and running in the event of an emergency. Voice communications, data, and IT play a pivotal role in restoring your business. Recovery of IT infrastructure is no longer enough though. Your company’s continuity plan needs to allocate other resources in order to resume business. Any strong plan takes into account time, personnel, and off-site working locations to ensure the smoothest transition possible.
Threats to Your Business
Hollywood monsters may never jump off the screen to wreak havoc on your business. That doesn’t mean very real horrors won’t strike. Disasters, both natural and unnatural, can destroy a business in minutes. Hurricanes, terrorist threats, and earthquakes all pose a serious risk to the company you worked so hard to build. It might not prove the easiest task to sit down and ask yourself, “What happens if our building collapses” or “What is our plan if a monsoon floods the entire office?” Doing so makes the survival of your business that much more likely.
It is nearly impossible to prevent the unknowable factors that threaten all companies. You can prevent a great many other threats, though. Things such as hackers, viruses, and data breaches don’t need to have the same catastrophic effects as a full-fledged disaster. When formulating your continuity plan, undertake risk analyses to see exactly which threats stand to undermine your business the most. Test to see where you can make improvements. Perform industry-specific, focused assessments in security and penetration testing.
Approaches to Continuity Planning
No matter what threats your business faces, you need a tailor-made contingency. Broad backup solutions simply do not work. Having an organization-specific continuity plan minimizes the downtime caused by interruptions. Tech support uses a process of compiling data on possible scenarios. They measure the effects the scenarios have on people, processes, IT, and communications. Together, you build an action plan based on the simulations created. Your company has complete control when finding an effective way to achieve organizational recovery in the event of a disaster.
This Halloween, don’t wait around for the boogeymen. At Idealstor, we won’t let the monsters and villains of the world destroy your company. Prolong the life of your hard work by investing time in business continuity planning. In the event of a disaster, taking a proactive approach to your business’ safety can mean the difference between saving it all or losing it all. Contact us for more information