Thank you for choosing Idealstor! It is Idealstor's endeavor to provide the highest quality support to our customers. Support is available 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM CST.
Phone: 512-279-4321
Email: [email protected]
Tested backup software includes:
- Protect & Restore 3.2 (Recommended)
- Hard Disk Manager (Recommended)
- Veeam Backup & Replication v7
- Backup Exec - any version after 9.0
- Arc Serve 2000 sp4
- Arc Serve Brightstor - any version after 9.0
- Retrospect - any version after 6.5
- Commvault
- Shadow Protect
- Win2k Backup
- UltraBac
- PowerQuest V2I
- Acronis TrueImage
- Double-Take
- Bakbone
- Syncsort Backup Express
- Microsoft Data Protection Manager (DPM) - Requires Cristalink Firestreamer